Встречайте новую книгу сотрудников ЛЭСИ 'The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First Century Economy: Cases from Russia and Beyond' (L.: UCL, 2022)
В июле 2022 г. в серии "Fringe" (редакторы серии проф. Алена Леденева и проф. Питер Зуси) Издательства UCL Press вышла коллективная монография "The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First Century Economy: Cases from Russia and Beyond" (под ред. Вадима Радаева и Зои Котельниковой).
Следуя традициям новой экономической социологии и политической экономии, авторы книги изучают, как связаны власть и хозяйство в условиях современного госкапитализма, и почему их отношения наполнены разного рода амбивалентности. В фокусе внимания авторов находится главным образом опыт посткоммунистических стран, который релевантен для понимания амбивалентного характера власти и в более широкой перспективе. Ядром авторского состава монографии выступили сотрудники ЛЭСИ и международные коллеги. Текст монографии в полном объеме доступен на сайте издательства https://www.uclpress.co.uk/collections/series-fringe/products/190516
Представляем содержание монографии:
Preface (Alena Ledeneva)
1 Introduction (Zoya Kotelnikova and Vadim Radaev)
Part 1: Interdependency of political power and economic governance: a macroperspective.
- 2 Interrelation between economic freedom and democracy: the case of post-communist countries (Marek Dabrowski)
- 3 The pitfalls of rent-seeking: alternative mechanisms of resource rent collection in Russia and Venezuela (Aleksei Pobedonostsev)
- 4 Contradictions of centralisation: four models of interaction between Russian rural communities and government and agribusiness (Alexander Nikulin and Alexander Kurakin)
- 5 Legitimation of innovation: the case of AI technology for facial recognition (Leonid Kosals)
- 6 Power of non-compliance: inter-firm opportunism in the Russian consumer markets (Vadim Radaev)
- 7 Abusive supervision in organizations: power, dependency, and employee voice in labor relations (Evgeniya Balabanova)
- 8 Beyond the state and digital platforms: (in)formalization of freelance contracting in Russia (Andrey Shevchuk and Denis Strebkov)
- 9 Power struggles and quality construction in the market for municipal rental housing in Sweden (Elena Bogdanova)
- 10 Private authority in regulating markets: power dynamics around Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in forestry and the oil industry in Russia (Maria Tysiachniouk, Sara Teitelbaum, Andrey Petrov and Leah Horowitz)
- 11 Depriving counterfeiting of legitimacy: how brand holders enforced their intellectual property rights in Russia between the early 2000s and late 2010s (Zoya Kotelnikova)
- 12 Academic excellence through homogenization? Gaining legitimacy from the strategic positioning of top ranked universities (Ivan Pavlyutkin and Anastasiia Makareva)
- 13 One man’s pill is another man’s poison. Ambivalence of definitional power: the case of breast cancer drugs in Russia (Elena Berdysheva)
- 14 ‘Russian Parmesan, even better than the original’: an exploratory research of organic farmers' valuation strategies (Tamara Kusimova)
- 15 Everyday politics of consumption: why cynical consumers are disappointed citizens. The case of Moscow during the economic crisis of 2014−2017 (Regina Resheteeva)
- 16 Childbirth with doulas in Moscow: between empowerment and responsibility (Masha Denisova)
- 17 Empowerment of the disempowered: assessing the impact of young Muscovites through ecological practices (Daria Lebedeva)