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Семинар "Frontiers of Sustainability Science: Advancements and Challenges in Arctic Sustainability Research". Докладчик: Андрей Петров

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2 февраля состоится семинар «Социология рынков» Лаборатории экономико-социологических исследований. С докладом «Frontiers of Sustainability Science: Advancements and Challenges in Arctic Sustainability Research» выступит 

Андрей Петров, Director, ARCTICenter, University of Northern Iowa, USA; President, International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA)


Елена Бердышева, к.с.н., доцент кафедры экономической социологии, старший научный сотрудник ЛЭСИ НИУ ВШЭ

Александр Куракин, старший преподаватель кафедры экономической социологии, старший научный сотрудник ЛЭСИ НИУ ВШЭ 

Arctic is among the world’s regions most affected by ongoing cultural, socio-economic, environmental and climatic changes. Over the last two decades, multiple stakeholders and rights-holders - local and Indigenous communities, scholars, policymakers, extractive industries, governments — have turned their attention to the Arctic, its peoples and resources, and to challenges and benefits of impending transformations. At the same time, the studies of sustainability and sustainable development in the Arctic have rapidly progressed and expanded. Building on the knowledge based created by the Arctic-FROST, Arctic-COAST, Arctic Horizons, ARC-NAV and ASUS projects, this talk presents a synthesis report on Arctic sustainability research, its past and present, identifies related knowledge gaps and discusses priorities for research for the next decade. The presentation identifies theoretical and epistemological shifts, key themes and findings. To illustrate and supplement these points the discussion will also revolve around several original projects that represent different dimensions of coupled human-environment systems analysis in the Arctic. We will specifically emphasize social-ecological and social-ecological-technological systems approaches, integrated social impacts monitoring and modeling frameworks, and interdisciplinary research to address complex community issues in the Arctic.

Andrey N. Petrov is the President of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association and Director of the ARCTICenter and Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Northern Iowa, USA. He earned PhD from the University of Toronto in 2008. He is serving as Chair of the International Arctic Science Committee Social and Human Working Group, Head of IASSA Delegation to the Arctic Council, and Past-Chair of the Polar Geography Specialty Group of the American of Association of Geographers. His expertise is in economic geography and regional development in the Arctic, sustainability science, social indicators, impacts of development, benefit sharing, and knowledge economy in remote regions. He has led many flagship research initiatives in the Arctic social sciences, such as Arctic-FROST, Arctic-COAST, Arctic Horizons, Arctic Sustainability Synthesis and others. His latest contributions to the field of Arctic sustainability science include Arctic Sustainability Research: Past, Present and Future (Routledge, 2017) and Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge (Routledge, 2020).

• Graybill, J. and Petrov, A. 2020. Introduction to Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge. In Graybill, J. and Petrov, A. (eds.) Arctic Sustainability, Key Methodologies and Knowledge Domains: A Synthesis of Knowledge. Volume 1. Routledge
• Petrov, A.N., BurnSilver, S., Chapin III, F.S., Fondahl, G., Graybill, J., Keil, K., Nilsson, A.E., Riedlsperger, R. and Schweitzer, P., 2016. Arctic Sustainability Research: Towards a New Agenda. Polar Geography, 39(3), 165-178.
Further readings:
• Petrov, A.N., BurnSilver, S., Chapin III, F.S., Fondahl, G., Graybill, J., Keil, K., Nilsson, A.E., Riedlsperger, R. and Schweitzer, P. 2017. Arctic Sustainability Research: Past, Present and Future. Routledge.
• Degai, T. and Petrov, A. 2021. Rethinking Arctic Sustainable Development Agenda through Indigenizing UN Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

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