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7 February 2012 LSES Project Seminar. The theme: "Survival and success in the freelance e-market: the role of social ties". Presenters: Andrey Shevchuk, Denis Strebkov (HSE, Russia).

26 January 2012 HSE Department of Sociology Seminar. The theme: ""From personal troubles to institutionalised expressions of compassion: A study of charity volunteers in the UK".". Presenter: Ruben Flores (HSE, Russia).

New article! Karabchuk T. Part-time and temporary workers in Russia: winners or losers? Journal for Labour Market Research. 2011. Vol.44.

A new working paper has been published in the sociology WP series: V.Radaev. "Where Does the Demand for Regulation Come From? The State’s Return to the Retail Trade in Russia".

National University Higher School of Economics, the Department of Sociology. Scientific Seminar. Theme: "The Formation of Contention Cycles: Participation Growth during Strike and Lockout Waves in the United States, 1881-1894". The Speaker: B. Lind, associate professor, Higher School of Economics.

New volume of the European Electronic Newsletter "Economic Sociology" (Vol. 13, No. 1 - November 2011)! The Editor - the Head of LSES, prof. Vadim Radaev.

On November 25-28th at the HSE (Moscow) reporting conference of the Laboratory for comparative social research (LCSR) led by R. Inglehart will take place. The topic of the conference is “Comparative sociology in quantitative perspective”.

Call for Papers: "Coping with Instability in Market Societies". Max Planck–Sciences Po Conference. December 15–16, 2011. Application Submisson by June 15, 2011.

Our Publications in New book: "Economy in Changing Society. Consumption, Markets, Organizations and Social Policies": Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

"The Level of Financial Literacy of Russians: Before and During the Crisis of 2008-2009" - an article by Olga Kuzina in "Economic Sociology", the European newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 2, March 2011.

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