On November 25-28th at the HSE (Moscow) reporting conference of the Laboratory for comparative social research (LCSR) led by R. Inglehart will take place. The topic of the conference is “Comparative sociology in quantitative perspective”.
During the first three days participants of the international research network of LCSR will present their progress reports. The projects touch upon a wide range of problems including value orientations, subjective well-being, religious orientation, migration processes in comparative perspective.
On November 28th four plenary sessions devoted to values, subjective well-being, modernization and migration will take place. Among the presenters are R. Inglehart (Professor at University of Michigan, USA), C. Welzel (Professor of Leuphana University, Germany), E. Ponarin (Professor at St. Petersburg Branch HSE), and others.
Researchers from different parts of Russia (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara) as well as from other parts of the world - Belorussia, Germany, the USA are expected to take part in the conference.
Working language: English.
Everyone interested is welcome to attend.
For all the questions about participation please contact Marina Nikitina mvnikitina@hse.ru.
You can receive more detailed information and see the preliminary conference program here: http://lssi.hse.spb.ru/main-page