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New article by Vadim Radaev " The Re-emergence of Sociology in Russia ", in: Routledge Handbook of European Sociology . L., NY : Routledge, 2014. P. 426-440.

The Routledge Handbook of European Sociology explores the main aspects of the work and scholarship of European sociologists during the last sixty years (1950-2010), a period that has shaped the methods and identity of the sociological craft. European social theory has produced a vast constellation of theoretical landscapes with a far reaching impact. At the same time there has been diversity and fragmentation, the influence of American sociology, and the effect of social practice and transformations. The guiding question is: does European Sociology really exist today, and if the answer is positive, what does this really mean? Divided into four parts, the Handbook investigates: intellectual and institutional settings regional variations thematic variations European concerns. The Handbook will provides a set of state-of-the-art accounts that break new ground, each contribution teasing out the distinctively European features of the sociological theme it explores. It will be of interest to students and scholars across the social sciences and humanities.

Globalization Can Save Russia's Light Industry. Research by the head of LSES Vadim Radaev

Russian light industry is slowly dying, and the only way for it to survive is to become integrated into the global supply chain. Support measures, other than keeping businesses afloat for a while, are not likely to make a difference, states the report 'Is it Possible to Save Russia's Light Industry?', presented by Vadim Radaev, the HSE's First Vice Rector and Head of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology. In details...

Master's Degree Increases the Starting Salary by 30%. Research by Yana Roschina

Students who choose to pursue a master's or postgraduate degree are at a distinct advantage over those who stop after receiving a bachelor's degree, and can expect higher starting salaries and a wider career choice. Some students, particularly those studying the humanities, medicine, and natural sciences, are more likely to pursue further studies beyond the undergraduate programme, observes Yana Roschina, senior research fellow at the HSE's Laboratory of Economics and Social Research, in her report 'Factors Influencing Russian Students' Educational and Employment Plans'. In details....

New issue: Economic Sociology Journal. January 2014 (Vol. 15. No. 1).

Call for abstracts for a special issue of "Advances in Strategic Management" (Volume 34, 2015): "Strategy Beyond Markets". Proposal deadline: December 15, 2013 (1 page maximum)

Call for papers "From Diffusion of Practices to Practices of Diffusion.Workshop on the Circulation of Ideas, Procedures and Regulationsin Culture, Law and Economy" (Warsaw, 12-13 May 2014). Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 15 December 2013

30 th EGOS Colloquium "Reimagining, Rethinking, Reshaping: Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times" will be held at the Rotterdam School of Management on July 3–5, 2014. Deadline for submission: January 13, 2014.

The 10th workshop of the new institutionalism network will be held in the city of Rome, 20-21 March 2014. Deadline for paper submission: November 15, 2013.

New issue: Economic Sociology Journal. September 2013 (Vol. 14. No. 4).

The MatchPoints seminar on Trust will be held at the Aarhus University, Denmark, on 22-24 May 2014. Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2014.

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