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Journal of Economic Sociology (vol. 20, no 5, 2019)

Dear colleagues, We are glad to inform you that the 96th issue of Journal of Economic Sociology (vol. 20, no 5, 2019) has been published!

  • An Interview with Joseph Vogl. Intellectual History and Political Economy of Modern Capitalism
  • new text by Anna Ozhiganova: Official (Biomedical) Obstetrics and Alternative (Home) Midwifery: Formalized and Informal Interaction Practices
  • new text by Michael C.: Munger Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy (an excerpt)
  • new text by Alexander Rubinstein The Theatre, the Audience and the State: Twelve Economist’s Comments
  • and more new texts

Journal of Economic Sociology’s website: https://ecsoc.hse.ru/en/

We hope you enjoy reading!

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