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Methodological Seminars

The upcoming LSES seminars can be viewed at the link.

Methodological Seminar on data culture
Presenter: Stanislav Pashkov, Research Assistant at the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology

Theme: The seminar for the discussion of the book "The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling" by A.R.Hochschild
Regina Romanova, Postgraduate Student, lecturer at the Department of Economic Sociology, HSE

Theme: Relational Sociology
Presenter: Ivan Pavlyutkin, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Sociology, HSE
Papers for discussion: 

Zelizer, V. (2012). How I Became a Relational Economic Sociologist and What Does That Mean? Politics & Society, 40(2), 145–74.

Donati, P. (2015) Manifesto for a critical realist relational sociology. International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 25(1), 86-109.


Theme: The seminar for the discussion of the book "The Creativity of the Action" by H. Joas
Presenter: Alexei Spirin, MA student ("Complex Social Analysis", HSE), Research Assistant at the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology


Theme: "Methodology of "collaborative open research": limits and strategies"


Theme: "Market exchange as "social relations": what does it mean?"
Presenter:  Vadim Radaev


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