Seminar series "Sociology of Markets"
The upcoming LSES seminars can be viewed at the link.
Theme: Digital Labour Platforms: Mechanisms of Neoliberal Governmentality? The Case of Platform Workers in Turkey
Presenter: Kadir Uysal, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Economic Sociology, HSE
Theme: Pandemic Privilege and the Narration of Social Crisis in Russia and Sweden: Patterned Responses to Ontological Insecurity
Presenters: Ch.Swader, PhD in Social Sciences, University of Bremen (Germany), Regina Resheteeva, Lecturer at the Department of Economic Sociology, HSE
Theme: Digital Social Capital and Sustainability of Subjective Wellbeing
Presenter: Tatiana Karabchuk, Associate Professor, United Arab Emirates University
Theme: Challenging economic models: embedded economies of Russian individual entrepreneurs
Presenter: Kamil Wielecki, PhD, University of Warsaw
Theme: Meddling with the Fiat Money: Political, Economic and Social aspects of Demonetization in India
Presenter: Arnab Roy Chowdhury, Assistant Professor at School of Sociology, HSE
Theme: Surrogate commerce versus surrogate medicine: professional jurisdiction, conceptions of control and reputational risks in gestational surrogacy markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Presenter: Alya Guseva, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of Boston University (USA)
Theme: Exploring the “Public” Side of the Public-Private Divide: Budget categories, informal practices and the institutional roots of post-Soviet Governmentality
Presenter: Barbara Lehmbruch, researcher at the Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University (Sweden)
Theme: Illegal but legitimate? The evolution of illegal alcohol markets in Russia since the 1980s
Presenter: Radaev, First Vice Rector, Head of the Department of Economic Sociology, Head of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology
Theme: (In)Effectiveness of Sanctions
Presenter: Clara Portela, PhD, European University Institute in Florence (Italy)
Theme: World Society and Liberalization of Abortion Policy since 1960
Presenter: Minzee Kim, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Ewha Women's University in South Korea
Theme: Cultural values as constraints and facilitators of socio-economic change
Presenter: Shalom H. Schwartz, professor of the Hebrew University
Theme: "Socioeconomic Status and Sentencing Disparities: Evidence from Russia’s Criminal Courts"
Presenter: Vadim Volkov, The Institute for the Rule of LawThe European University at Saint-Petersburg
Theme: "Unemployment in a New Market Society: A Qualitative Exploration of Transforming Citizenship Relations in Post-State Socialism"
Presenter: H.Reiter, Ph.D., senior researcher at German Youth Institute
See abstract
Theme: "The Fall of the Communist, the Rise of the Entrepreneur: Explorations into the Capitalist Spirit of ex-Communists"
Presenter: V.Obelene, Ph.D., researcher at Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies
See abstract
Theme: "A Fishery for the Future: The Midcoast Fishermen's Association and the Work of Economic Being-in-Common"
Presenter: K. St. Martin, Ph.D., associate professor at Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey
Theme: "From the Great Recession to Greater Gender Equality? Family Mobility and the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender"
Presenter: Sh.Davis, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of George Mason University (USA)
Theme: "The Myth of New Entrepreneurial Populations? The Explosion of Business Startups in France: Statistical Artifact and Transformation of the Workplace"
Presenter: P.-P.Zalio, Ph.D., professor, president of Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan
See abstract
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